Who’s ready for space adventures with Ray Gunn and Starburst? This week we’re going for a more light-hearted show as we jet across the universe with our reluctant hero Raymond Gunn and his friend-on-the-run, Starburst. Along with a cranky A.I. and a quarrelsome narrator, our heroes must stop the evil Castelan Lar, head of the Darkley’s Empire, who is determined to taking over the galaxy with pastries in hand. What started out as a six-episode adventure funded via Kickstarter campaign in 2015 has turned into an ongoing series with Season 2, which is wrapping up production and will be available soon through iTunes, Stitcher, and their website raygunnandstarburst.wordpress.com . This show we’re bringing you the first two episodes of this fun space adventure series – “The Cliched Meeting of the Heroes” and “Redacted”.
If you still feel like hanging out in space after all that adventure, we have a few minutes left in the show – just enough time to bring back an old favorite: another tales from the Blast-Off Patrol of Two-Minute Danger Theater. If you want to know what happens with the “Space Hole in Space”, don’t miss it!
Don’t Forget to Check Out:
– Ray Gunn and Starburst
– Ray Gunn on Facebook
– Two-Minute Danger Theater