Welcome back, everyone! This episode, it’s another one of our, “no-chatting” shows as we stuff the hour to the brim with audio drama. We continue our HEAR Now audio features series as Peter Gruenbaum shares the second installment of The Sting of the Dark Tower with us, and we also hear from our good friends at Atlanta Radio Theatre Company and their feature piece, “Blues for Johnny Raven“, the Silver winner of this year’s Mark Time Award‘s “Nick Danger Prize” for Mystery/Detective audio. A few weeks ago, this piece was also the focus of an IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds for its’ CD release, and it not only met but exceeded their goal – congrats, ARTC! If you like stories that are charmingly out-of-the-ordinary, unique and a bit tongue-in-cheek, “Johnny Raven” is definitely a fun one to hear.
Speaking of ARTC, one of the things we love about this group is that they don’t just produce stories, but they perform them live as well. It’s a wholly different experience to see the stories you hear on the air come to life before your eyes, with lines and sound effects delivered in real-time. If live performance of audio dramas interests you, we have a list of different groups that do live performances you’ll definitely want to check out. Who says you have to keep to yourself while listening to radio plays? Go see one live!
Don’t Forget to Check Out:
– Coiled Stories
– Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
– Live Performance Groups, including Atlanta Radio Theatre Company, Hangman Radio, The Thrilling Adventure Hour, Right Between the Ears, The Intergalactic Nemesis Series