We haven’t scared you since our summer of suspense, so sit back and scream as more sonic terrors slither into your soul!
This episode marks the kickoff of a month of spooky stories, as Halloween looms ever closer. Tonight, we’re going truly old school with a special selection of tales from the mind of Edgar Allan Poe, wonderfully reimagined for your ears by the folks at Poe Theatre on the Air. They’ve prepared a set of three tales for you tonight – The Black Cat, Premature Burial, and The Raven – all taking place inside a mysterious asylum. (WARNING: These stories contain mentions of animal abuse, as well as tones that may aggravate tinnitus. Listener discretion is advised.)
The National Edgar Allan Poe Theatre is based in Baltimore, a fitting location for horror fans as it is where Poe died in 1849. He wasn’t a resident of the city; indeed, he left Richmond, Virginia, days before to start an editing job in Philadelphia. No one knows why he was found in Baltimore, delirious, dying, and wearing someone else’s clothes. Theories abound: from cooping (kidnapping someone, giving them a fake identity, then forcing them to vote for a particular candidate) to outright murder by his fiancée’s brothers.
It is a fitting and poetic irony that the man who invented the detective story met an end that we will never be able to solve.
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