Hello audio drama enthusiasts, and welcome to 2019 – already defunct with website problems. This episode and several of our entries in the Archive are slow-going, as we’re navigating the new system update that has thrown some of our old coding into disarray. Apologies for the slow progress!
This show, we’re kicking off our January tradition of bringing you a collection of Black Jack Justice stories from our good friends at Decoder Ring Theatre – a comforting start to whatever your new year holds. It’s back-to-back Justice and Dixon, who are stopping by the local precinct quite a bit to get the info they need for their cases. Or just to be annoying. It’s Episodes 43 and 46 on our show tonight – “Mad Dogs and Ambulance Chasers” and “A Simple Case of Black and White”.
And speaking of new beginnings, if you’ve got a story you’ve been itching to tell, make 2019 the year to do it with our annual scriptwriting competition! Submissions are open until February 3rd to all short-form audio drama scripts – no experience necessary, no genre requirement. Just a maximum of 20 minutes of content (usually about 20 pages in length), with no more than four main characters and content rated up to PG-13. The winning stories will be produced and aired on our show and on our parent radio station, WCBE 90.5 FM. Be a radio star! Check out our competition web page for more information. Happy writing!
Don’t Forget to Check Out:
– Black Jack Justice
– Decoder Ring Theatre
– MAT Scriptwriting Competition