Well hi there! It’s about time we had a new episode. Thank you all for your patience as we took an unexpected break from new shows. We’re back from the HEAR Now Festival, and it’s about time that we get back to some new audio drama selections. We’re taking a look at identities this show, with two stories to go with it: a horror story entitled “Blood Night” by SoundStories. We found this story within the newly-compiled collection of SideTracks – a large archive of Great Northern Audio Theatre-related works from outside their main production track. There’s a lot more to listen to (over 20 years’ worth of stories!), so definitely check out their website for more tales to entertain your ears. But before we play that, we have a new guest to the show – Imploding Fictions, and their series about a very unique organization called The Amelia Project. The Amelia Project has just finished its first season, and you can listen to the whole series for free on iTunes, Stitcher and wherever you listen to podcasts. For more information about the show visit their website or go to patreon.com/ameliapodcast to make your pledge and get behind-the-scenes perks as well.
It’s time to give these stories a listen!
Don’t Forget to Check Out:
– The Amelia Podcast
– SideTracks at Great Northern Audio Theatre
– HEAR Now Audio Fiction Festival