Something a little different this time around. Instead of a Dreamcatcher episode, we have two shorts featured which pre-date the current story timeline. And because this episode of Leviathan Chronicles came in at 60 minutes running, the first 40 minutes are showcased here, with the concluding 20 for the episode to be aired next week. If you’d rather listen to the [Leviathan] episode in its entirety, just click on the show link and you can download the full installment directly. Enjoy!
The Breakdown:
00:00 – 10:24 Intro/Dreamcatcher Short: Onieronaut Reports
10:25 – 17:26 Dreamcatcher Short: Meetings
17:27 – 17:52 Break
17:53 – 59:01 The Leviathan Chronicles, Chapter 8: In The Beginning (part 1)
59:02 – 1:00:00 Outro
*Note: Volume levels are not uniform for this episode; Leviathan was aired at a lower volume level than the rest of the program. My error in mixing; will try not to do it again!